Wednesday, March 19, 2014

CGPA Calculator PHP source Code

CGPA stands for Cumulative Grading Point Average.

Today, we are going to talk about making a cgpa calculator which will be made in PHP. I just used simple addition and multiplication in this code. Let's see the interface first:

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Registration Form PHP Souce Codes

Hello, PHP lovers!
Today, we are going to see some simple php codes by which you can complete a registration using MySQL database and interface by HTML CSS.

First have a  visit at Registration Page

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Simple Name Game By PHP Soruce Codes

Hello, PHP Lovers! Today we are going to make a simple funny project by using SWITCH statement of PHP .
The plan is:
  1. Take a name input from user which can be user's name.
  2. Give a word to every letter of taken input!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Email Contact PHP Source Codes

Hello PHP Lovers,
Today, we are going to talk about php mail function.  It's something by which we can send email to anybody from a html format. For this project we are going need two steps.

Step 1: Creating a HTML form which contains fields, NAME, EMAIL, PHONE and MESSAGE writing infields.
Step 2: Putting my provided PHP codes into it.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Status Update System By PHP Source Code

Hi, PHP lovers!

There is no such people who has come here and didn't yet have  a Facebook account. In Facebook, we used to give status. It's like saying something to the friends. Well, certainly, the PHP beginners will love to test something like that status update. It's not a tough job.
We will do a simple status update action. For this you need a database to keep data. I'll show and talk about MySQL database structure and connection with PHP later, now just see the codes. The below image is of PHP status update panel:

Monday, March 10, 2014

Age Calculator PHP Source Code

Hello everybody, I will let you know how to develop a Age Calculator in PHP.

PHP Login System Source Codes

Today, we are going to make a simple login system with php codes.

1. At First we will create a simple login form by html
2. we will put php codes there to check whether the user name correct or not correct.

Let's start:
first create the html form like below image: